Sunday, December 17, 2006


Lead ROI, What Does That Mean

You might say it is the name of one our competitors. That’s true, but this post isn’t about them, see my post on embracing your competition. This is about return on investment (ROI) on leads and lead management software. One of the common sales tactics you hear in selling software is “benefits, not features.” Unfortunately features are more common than benefits. The #1 benefit of lead management should be ROI on your leads and the use of the software. In 2007 Leads360 is focusing significantly more attention to this part of the business. Our goal is to demonstrate significant lead ROI in your first 3 months; including the first month!

Over the past 2 ½ years we have helped thousands of customers get significant return on their investment in Leads360. We’re experts at it and we can do it for you. Check out our new ROI calculator on our website and speak to one of our sales associates to get a full ROI analysis using our compressive ROI calculator.

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